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New Website

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Technology is great until it crashes and burns. We are working on re-building our website and are launching some new features we think you are really going to love. Especially the AI HVAC Assistant. Artificial Intelligence is all of the rave but it isn’t perfect and it often only as good as the coder behind it. We are fortunate at Hocha Heating and Air to have so much experience and data to put into teaching the Artificial HVAC Assistant. Over time the HVAC Assistant will help improve our service techs ability and and also help customers avoid costly service calls. We look forward to the day where being able to Use the highly skilled and trained HVAC artificial assistant is part of the Exclusive Hocha Cool Club Membership. If it saved our customers just one service call per year by helping them check a few things then it would be well worth the Hocha Cool Club Membership price.

AS we develop a new website and features are have received feedback about our HochaCool club and what customers really want. We will be updating our system to help manage maintenance and filters and give customer more options when it comes to Maintenance of their HVAC systems. We are also working on partnerships with other trades to help assist customers with more than just Air conditioner repair or heatpump maintenance. Hocha Heating And Air just keep getting better with every hurdle we jump. We are thankful for so much customer support.

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